Ummm, wth?


I started taking an ovulation test (clearblue advance) every day, or almost every day (I think I missed a day or two) since I had my last period. Never had a positive but tonight I started spotting "old blood" as my old ob/gyn said it was. My cycle has always been off. So I don't know if I started my cycle or what. I feel like I could be but not sure. I'm a military wife and we're about to PCS soon so I don't know if I should bring it up to my doctor now or wait till I get to our new command. I feel crabby, hungry, crampy, and a bit nauseous. I use to go to a endocrinologist because my cycles were screwy near the end of 2016/beginning of 2017. I thought everything was going great. I was getting my cycles every month and now this. It could be that I just ovulated on one of the days I accidently missed. What should I do?