Homeopathic/Natural Medicine


So I am studying a degree in Biomedical Science, and one of the topics for discussion is Homeopathic medicine. I need to show how it may or may not relate to pharmaceutical medicines, and if patients are putting themselves at risk trying to self-medicate.

For those who are unaware, it’s natural remedies for disease and illness. (For example, herbs, essential oils, juicing)

A lot of people are coming forward with their stories on how these methods have “cured” them of illnesses they have had for years. This is resulting in people ignoring tratiditional medicine or stopping vital treatment to attempt to cure themselves at home.

Anyways, my poll question to everyone is, do you believe in Homeopathic medicine?

Also, do you feel it should be an option alongside pharmaceutical treatment? Or should people just trust and have faith in science?

I would appreciate input from those for and against.

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