Best App for Ovulating/period Tracker ?


TTC baby # 2... we are on cycle 7 of trying & I have been using Glow & Flo, but I don’t think its working for me. Anyone have any advice or positive experience with another app?

Also, could I get some advice on my ovulation tests? I’m using the clearblue and this is what I have so far... (excuse the dirty sink🤪) I got a negative OPK this morning, should I test again later on? Glow says today should be the day!?

Thanks in advance & anyone else with me or on a similar path?? Baby dust to all 💕💕💕

**** UPDATE, THE LINES ARE GETTING LESS DARK 😭 I don’t know what is going on with me & I keep getting negatives too. Anyone a late ovulationer ?? Any tips!?