Sick FMIL AND FFIL trying to see newborn


Okay so my son was born on 02/13. 02/14 they came up to the hospital with mask on hacking everywhere claiming they just had a cold. I didn’t let anyone hold him that day. So 02/15 they freaking came up again with the same thing. (Also note that we found out the granddaughter they live with tested positive for flu that morning.) I didn’t let anyone hold him again, including my perfectly healthy mother so I didn’t start problems.

We finally get discharged and go home and on the 17th they ask my SO if we would want them to pick up food and drop it off for us. He said yes which was fine. The original plan was for him just to meet them outside to grab the food. They forced themselves inside the apartment and were trying not to leave until they held the baby. Even though they sounded ten times worse and his dad was complaining about how they had to go to the doctor because the previous night he had the worst chest pain he has ever had and now they’re on antibiotics. (Guess it wasn’t “just a cold.”) All of this ended in a big ordeal of me crying, his dad slamming the door because “he knows where he’s not welcome” and then posting a status of “💔💔💔” like a damn child.

In reply to this ridiculousness, I posted a nice status in a cheery tone about how we won’t allow anyone around our son with symptoms of sickness and asking for warning before people try to come over. No acknowledgement.

This has progressed to his Mom texting him and telling him she feels like we don’t want her to associate with our son and his dad doesn’t feel welcome in my home. And yesterday his mom posted a status talking about how she just wishes she could hold him for the first time, making me look like an asshole. (His Dad posted not even 10 minutes later complaining that he was still coughing.) Like seriously just wait til you aren’t sick! That’s all I want. I don’t know how else to put it or deal with it. I cannot risk my baby’s health.