pregnancy scare response


Hey guys, I know I have made some silly posts on here and tbh I got some really hurtful and just unhelpful. Don't get me wrong some were and I thank those of you who were but I thought in our modern day community you are supposed to help your fellow peers and be kind to them when they are feeling scared or bad about something. I made a post asking about if I could become pregnant through the act of touching my boyfriends penis though his boxers then touching myself. I asked this because 1# when my mind is fixed on something all rashinality goes out the window and everything I have learned about human biology is left behind in the dust. I know what it takes to get pregnant I was just in a state of panic. And 2# my school brushed over the sex education topic because people were being immature about it, so I had self teach myself about it at home in private. So I am sorry hatyou all thought my post was stupid but the bottom line is I am 16 and not planning on having sex any time soon.