Thinking nothing but positive this cycle!

Lindsey • IVF miracle born 12/11/2018, surprise baby #2 due August 2021!

3dpo and I’m putting 100% of my energy into staying positive this month! I have promised my husband I won’t test at home and will wait until the results of the blood test. After over 2 years of trying, I’ve realized that whether you get your hopes up or stay completely rational, the disappointment at the first sign of AF is just as painful either way. So why not think only good thoughts??? In my younger days, I always thought I could ‘will’ things to happen, so I’m returning to that philosophy. Anyone agree or do I just sound crazy?! 😁 Please no negative Nancy’s or Debby Downers on this thread. We’ve all been through terrible struggles while TTC, but let’s put the stormy past behind us and turn our faces towards the sun! ☀️ 🌈