I feel shitty

Im a horrible mother. Don't get me wrong I love my kids, But im not enough. I had my kids young. I'm 25 with 3 kids, the oldest being 6. MY oldest has adhd and struggles in school my middle goes to early learning cause of speech promblems. So did my oldest. I read my middles school report card and it mentions confidence issues. Did I do that to my child. Was I so hard on my kid that he has confidence issue, I never want that for my kids. I struggle to be that perfect mom, one that has everything in order. One that can do endless school work with their kids. That can help them progress further in life and school. As I write this I battle myself, my head tells me that i am enough for MY children and that nobodys perfect. I want to believe that. It also tells me that I just need help from my partner. He comes home and all he wants to do is cuddle or complain about supper. I want to go out with friends ( I have none). If I look back at one time in my life where I was happy with my kids, I would say that was a time where I had friends and went out ( movies,dinner, NOT drinking) When I got a break. I get no breaks, I'm home all the time. If i go out to the mall its either with my kids or by myself. I have no support. AT first I thought support meant someone to talk to and be there for you. But now I realize, support is someone who helps clean and cook and take over the homework duty. I don't have that. I have a man who supports this house financially and thinks that its enough. It's not enough. But yet I'm not enough either. So what do I do? I cry cause my daughter needs me to help her learn and become better, I cry cause my son has issues that I never wanted him nor any of my children to have, And i cry cause there isnt enough time in the day for myself and to be the "perfect" mom. I feel bad my kids won't ever have that perfect mom. I can never give that to them.