Edd 10/14/18 ❤️🌈

Kameron • Oct.12.2018 BabyBoy Jones 💙👪 My 🌈 👶🏾.

This was taken at 6w3d (02/21) app was 2 days ahead. Obgyn said we can’t rely on period dates since I didn’t get a period after my miscarriage (01/05) since I was already pregnant again (got bfp 02/02). I am so blessed to be carrying rainbow baby #4. I had a miscarriage 04/2017 & 01/2018 w twin babies ❤️. My little love bean is a going to be a Libra like me❤️, we saw a heartbeat too❤️. So happy knowing everything is going as it should. I used the Ramzi theory to get the result of a baby girl, anyone else have any guesses? ❤️

Update: a baby boy 💙