My boobs are soft !

🍑 Peaches Mom 🌻 • Exclusive pumper - going 7 months strong 💪🏽 All i do is pump pump pump no matter what 🎶 I do a thing called , what I want

My LO is 6 months now . I have EP since the beginning every 2-3 hours and now every 3-4 hours , but have cut down a pump or two since she sleeps through the night now .

My breast neverrrrr feel engorged anymore . They used to get super full 2-3 hours after I️ pumped and I️ would even rely on remembering when to put bc of the fullness . Now I literally have to put alarms on so I can be reminded to pump !

Also , I’m not getting as much in a session as I used to. I went from getting 6-10oz to maybe 4-7oz now.

So my question is , is my supply dropping bc I cut out the nighttime pumps? Or are my breast finally regulating ?

What is I️t ! It’s worrying me 😰