typical ttc rant


first of all thank god you can track your symptoms on this app so that you can go back and check if a symptom is typical or not. I don't know What his wrong with me ladies. My last few cycles have been off and my hormones are out of wack and there's now health concerns rising. I am 27 years old, I feel like this is too young for changes happening in my body with getting older but here we are with having to get blood work done to see what's next. waiting to go in to get that done. But Valentine's day my hubby and I had a condom break and I have always ended up pregnant when that happens lol so with it being 10 days later and ovulation is not tracked due to screwy cycles, I am now concerned I might have conceived since I can't stomach coffee today and I've been crampy all day. nauseous and breast pain is coming and going. So now I have to wait at least 9 more days before testing and I'm now officially going crazy. don't get me wrong if I end up pregnant awesome!!! But if this isn't pregnancy I am scared to know what is causing such a drastic change especially this cycle. So my question is.. did you ever experience this and you ended up pregnant? Or were these symptoms caused by a health condition?