
So I’m 19. I’m almost 9 weeks pregnant. I’m finishing up my second year of college. I have always felt opposed to abortion when thinking of myself. (Other people who do or don’t is none of my business). My boyfriend says he will support me through whatever decision I make yet he is mean when I say I want to keep the pregnancy. My godmother and sister are advising me to get an abortion. They know my stance and gave me an ultimatum to tell my parents by Sunday or they will or if I get the abortion they will take this secret to their grave. I am not ready to tell them. My boyfriends parents know and were 100% supportive and said they would keep him in school and help with bills till he graduated and got a good job. I have considered both options but I am so torn. My boyfriend says I’m ruining his life and he has goals and I’m ruining them. I just don’t know what to do. I’m so torn and a bit emotional. Advice would be much appreciated! Thank you