How do you know...


How do you know you are done breastfeeding? He’s been really struggling lately to nurse, sometimes he’s great and other times he screams until I use a nipple shield or give him a bottle. He’s 14 weeks old almost 15 weeks. And I pump at work but clearly not enough to keep up my supply so he even needs a bottle to top off sometimes after he nurses. I’m so discouraged. It’s making night feedings harder to do because it upsets him more and wakes him up worse to fail at nursing that it would to just give him a bottle to begin with. I really wanted to make it to 6 months and once we got passed the pain stage, and the occasionally supplementation stage I thought we were gunna make it. I just think I need to be told how to feel about it and not reaching the goal. I know formula is completely fine and he will be great and he’s heathy (he’s chunky so it’s not like he isn’t getting anything!) I don’t know I think it’s just 3:30 am and I’m upset... it might be time to give it up....