Pumping advice


I just started pumping to build a supply, and we're also introducing a bottle (LO is 3w4d). She only eats from one side for 10 minutes (I have a strong letdown and she guzzles milk the whole time but takes it like a champ). My pediatrician said to pump after the first morning feeding to build a supply, but during the week my husband is at work and it's difficult to put her down. My question is, should I pump the off breast while she's nursing and then do the same thing at the next feeding, or should I pump both after she's done?

Other questions:

How long should I wait to start giving more than one bottle a day? I am going back to work at 12 weeks.

What's a normal amount to pump, both between feedings and at a missed feeding? I just pumped for the first time an hour after feeding and got 2 oz from the off breast and 1 oz from the one that was just nursed. Is that okay?

Thank you!