We need to pull it together!!


You know being on here has pissed me off. I see girls on here that look great and I’m like if I could look like that. In reality we all have a problem of trying to look a certain way. I completely get that. I want a bigger ass and to not be labeled as a stick so I’m working on myself. I really just want to love myself for what I am but everything around makes that shit hard. To add onto that I make it hard on myself. Why can’t we all just love ourselves. Why can’t we see what others see. I feel sometimes others view on me is better than the one I have. I wish I wasn’t so sensitive towards myself. Everything is a work in progress but besides physical gains I need to make mental gains. I think every girl on here needs to focus on her mental health. I get it sometimes in order to feel better u need to look better but try being grateful for what u have and don’t be so hard on yourself. Enhance yourself but don’t go crazy. That’s something I have to remind myself or I will never be satisfied.