If my blood result is still negative, will I defo not be pregnant?


So I’m now on cycle day 99 with no period! I’ve had so many symptoms over the last few weeks ... sore boobs which have grown about 3 cup sizes , feel sick when I’m hungry, constant weeing, feeling very exhausted and occasional dizzy spells... you name it I’ve had it (except actually vomiting) - I’ve done so many pregnancy tests that I’ve given up testing now (been about 10 days since I last tested) all BFN. I eventually begged the doctor to do a blood test and I should get the results tomorrow. I’m so nervous that if it’s negative again I don’t know how I will cope as I genuinely feel pregnant!!! I feel like I’m going insane. The dr has told me that if this is negative then there’s no way I can be, but I’ve heard stories that people have had negative bloods and been pregnant?? What do you guys think?

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