I'm depressed


I haven't been able to come on this site since I was diagnosed, how do you cope with this news? edit: I was put on a hormonal birth control because I can't take metformin until my liver enzymes go down, and it caused me to have a 29 day period. I have also been put on a low cholesterol, low fat diet and have been instructed to exercise 5 days a week. I just wish that I could be put on something like clomid, but my doctor seems to think birth control is the best option for now, my SO and I are not actively trying, but we haven't been preventing. It would really help if I had insurance to help pay all of these medical bills, but I'm 19 so insurance would be more expensive than the bills so far. I'm just taken aback by the feeling of knowing I will have problems having children, it's something I've always wanted, and it feels like I just got that option taken away.