CoNfLiCtEd ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜

So on one hand I really like the guy I'm dating. We've been talking for 6 months, had some rough patches and all that, but nothing irreparable.

On the other hand he gets on my NERVES. I'll ask him simple questions and it takes him 45 minutes to give me an answer (and I don't mean text I mean in person like he'll keep fucking around not answering the question) and by that time I'm so irritated I don't even wanna talk anymore. Also whenever we disagree about something he never wants to have a conversation about it. He becomes super closed off or responds slowly and it takes forever to resolve any conflict we ever have and it stresses me tf out. Valentine's day weekend (well, Sunday Monday and Tuesday, he works Wednesday-saturday) he said we were gonna spend all three days together. That he was gonna take me out and Sunday we watched a show together. Monday we got into it and he went M.I.A. Says he left with his friend and it never crossed his mind to tell me that...Tuesday conversation is slow and he's at home playing the game until 4 fucking p.m. so I finally ask him if I was seeing him or not and he says he as to take a shower and he's on his way. So he comes and I'm steaming at this point because now...we only spent one day together. And now you're coming over at the end of the day and you have to WORK the next day which means you can't stay very long. He proceeds to tell me he thought I didn't want him to come because of how the conversation was going and because I never mentioned it. BUT HE NEVER ONCE ASKED IF I STILL WANTED HIM TO COME.

On Christmas he didn't come to see me and I told him how much it meant to me. Yes, we spent Thanksgiving together but I didn't wanna see him the whole day maybe just an hour or two...he says it never crossed his mind and he was with friends and family.

Yesterday I was sad all day and I was telling him that I was sad and he was like "lol today just isn't a good day" and "I can add to it" when I was telling him why I was upset. And then he usually calls me every day after work but yesterday OF ALL THE DAYS he decided to listen to music instead...and then he didn't even call me when he got home he got on the game with his friends...had the nerve to say that him not calling made out phones calls more special..says that he was in a really chill mood and he didn't understand why I was sad.

And whenever I bring any of this up to him he gets a blank look on his face and says "I don't have anything to say" or "idk how you want me to respond to that" and it feels like I'm talking to a wall...

And yes I've done my fair share of things but I always acknowledge when I'm wrong and apologize.

His communication fucking sucks but he's so sweet when he's not being a dumbass. Like if I cry he'll hold me. Sometimes he's a good listener. I ask him to stop liking a girl's pictures and he will. I ask him to unfollow a certain person and he will. He's opened up and told me so much about himself and vise versa. I told him I wanted a moon lamp and tapestries for when I move and he bought it for me. He's teaching me how to drive. He's supportive and he makes me feel better about the shit that going on in my life. And I know his lack of communication is because of his lack of a relationship with his mom and hos unhealthy relationships in the past but like bothers the living fuck out of me and I just wish he would think more. Like I've never been this frustrated and happy with a person IN MY LIFE.

any tips on how to get him to open up more and actually have a conversation without thinking it's gonna be an argument and shutting down??? and I'm sorry this was so long but I really needed to rant

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