Intimacy with fiancée


This is not a rant or a vent from me but my viewpoint in a relationship. I would love advice or another viewpoints from others to help me. I’m confused and frustrated.

I’ve been in this relationship for 2 years and have a wonderful 7 month old son from her. We differ on the importance of intimacy. In our relationship, I will grant it’s difficult. We live at her mom’s house for financial reasons. We also have our 7 month old that sleeps in bed. Her niece died from SIDS and worries about our son getting SIDS so granted intimacy, cuddling and sex will be harder. Lastly, she works 6 to 2 while I work 3 to 11 Monday through Friday to save on child care. I am a touchy person and that’s one way I show love. I will grab her butt, grab boobs and try to cuddle. Whenever I do she calls me a pervert. Whenever I try to initiate sexual contact she tells me I have a smaller penis. The question being is how do I get the intimacy and sex that I need ?