Cycle day 74 and still no period??


Has anyone ever had this happened to them?

Back on January 8th I had a positive ovulation test . (Like SUPER positive) and on January 13th-14th I had light pink spotting

I went to the doctor twice between the end of January and beginning of February and they did pelvic ultrasounds and blood test and said that I wasn’t pregnant .

They told me that my PCOS is causing me not to have a period however , I’ve never missed a period since being sexually active with my husband for 3 years.

I took a digital test about two weeks ago and it was negative so I thought I’d be okay to have a few drinks with a couple of friends and ever since I drank this past weekend I have felt sick and have had terrible headaches (and no I’m not hungover I only had 1 drink)

Can anyone please give me any advice .. I’m so lost