PCOS diagnosis confusion


Hi ladies. This may be somewhat long. I’m posting in this group to try and get some insight, I’m completely new to PCOS. I’m 26, and have two kids from extremely healthy & back to back pregnancies. I conceived each time on the first try (not to make anyone else feel bad, just feel that it may be relevant) - & my period comes at the same time each month within a week span, it’s never been irregular. I have no acne or weight gain. All of my blood work has always come back normal. After experiencing a horrible pelvic pain I went to the hospital and found out I had an ovarian cyst (first one to my knowledge) that had burst. At a follow up ultrasound weeks later another cyst was found on my other ovary, which burst shortly after. I’m now on a combination BC pill & no more cysts. However, on my 2nd follow up ultrasound yesterday my ultrasound tech found 15 “follicles” and thus, diagnosed me with PCOS. She said this causes diabetes, infertility, as well as stomach issues. I’ve actually been working with a gastro dr for months to find answers for my horrible stomach issues(pain after eating, excessive gas, bloated tummy), and she said PCOS can easily be an explanation and also explain why the gastro hasn’t been able to find any answers for me. She also recommended I begin taking a medication designed for diabetics (started with an M, can’t remember the name) and that it may help me avoid infertility, diabetes & help my stomach problems. I’m waiting for a call from my OBGYN for more info. I’m just shocked by this news as the only stories I know about PCOS are the women who have had it since they were young and found out when it ended up causing them difficulties conceiving. I didn’t know there was another way, honestly. Has anyone else had a similar diagnosis?