Work is killing me!!!


I am 14 weeks and 3 days and just seems to get worse . I am a home help worker and it is literally killin my back and after i am done my day after i sit down for a bit i get up and my body is so stiff & most nights ( all night till i go to bed ) i just want to throw up and most of the time I do. I had my week off vacation last week and i didnt do much just stay home most of the time due to morning sickness . Diclectin doesnt work for me . I honestly wish i could quit my job , its only tuesday and im such a hurtin unit. I have a 10 year old son so when the day is done from work and school i cant do much due too my symptoms and looking forward to bed but I try my hardest to stay up till he goes to bed ( which i do all the time ) . I start hurting more around 7 then worsens as the night goes on. Ive been literally going to bed at 8 - 8:30 and sometimes 9.

Anyone else feel the same way i do and not enjoyin this at all?