

Just ended my relationship with my long term boyfriend he said he feels like he is leading me on because he isn’t ready to get married well he wanted to end it to clear his mind. He did this one time before then come back saying he was missing a piece of himself he got me back said he felt whole. Then he pulls it again. I found out he was on tender couple days after we ended it. I told him I understood about the marriage thing I wasn’t ready either. I did everything for him always drove there35 mins there and worked my schedules round him. If he wanted guys night that’s fine. I brought him food cleaned up his room we didn’t live together. Took care of his son so he could rest I would bring him gifts made him feel special. He would tell me I would get to see him and then wait till 7 and 8pm. Sometimes he would cancel. And he would make plans with other people while we had the whole night planned. He would sit in bed with me and ignore me watching tv. I would say something and he would just be glued to the tv and get mad at me for getting mad. I had to do what he wanted and watch what he wanted. I still love him but I know I deserve better. He even admitted that i was an amazing girlfriend and great to his son which I took care of. Then he said he still is in love with me but needs to focus on himself.