Need information and guidance


hi everyone,

my husband and I just experienced our second missed miscarriage since March of 2017 with no other children. After our first miscarriage, we had the DNA results done with the d & c. the results came back with the baby girl was missing an x chromosome...also known as Turner's syndrome.

we did the same after our second d & c, but we're told there were no results because the culture didn't grow. my husband and I decided to get chromosome blood work up for both of us to see if that is to blame. his came back normal. mine came back as a chromosome #9 inversion. we are going to a genetic counselor on thursday, and of course I have been "googling" like crazy...but I was wondering if anyone has tested for this, but went on to have healthy babies either naturally or by <a href="">ivf</a>. I also was wondering if this is a mutation, or something I should warn my sister's about when they begin to try. could chromosome 9 inversion have caused the Turner's or is it unrelated? finally is this abnormality in my blood cause any problems with the baby if I am able to carry him/her to term?

any guidance would be so helpful