
Hey girls I been meaning to write but now I really need some ups been feeling really down and stupid. So I been with my baby's dad for about four years we been on and off but we never lived together. We would eat together cook together sometimes at his house but over this last months he changed like now he doesn't want to kiss me nor hug me like I would have to be like give me a kiss please not beg but still he wouldn't . We have a 5 month baby boy and he said we should break up because we only argue and I told him u sure u don't want to fix us he said no I am a lonely person and will always be a lonely person so we broke up but I recently found his been texting he ex gf in Mexico he said I shouldn't worry because she's in Mexico . I told him if ur a lonely person why are u texting her but his answers is always she far way. I don't why I'm so stupid of not letting him go my heart hurts like how can he fake liking me all this time . He could've just told me since the baby was born (sept) that he didn't want to be with me . Why did I met him? I hate him and love him at the same time . Im freaking jealous of the girl in Mexico should I not be ?Help girls!