help me with my sex drive!

I started birth control a few years ago and lost my sex drive with it. I had a ton of serious side effects and I've had two different doctor's say it was an allergic reaction to the synthetic hormones. I came off it, and for the last 4 years have had no sex drive. no desire. I'm currently 15 months post partum, but again it's been this way for so long. my husband has such a high drive. I just want what we used to have. I've seen a doctor, they checked my blood (vitamins/minerals)/iron/ thyroid. And just a basic hormone test. all that was good. the doctor suggested maybe an anti depressant, but she said it might not increase my sex drive but it could (I'm still not really seeing how.. other than I do sleep a bit more than the average person). but I'm just wanting a drive back. since giving birth I'm super dry down there and the few times I've tried it's been painful. I'm not sure if it's because just not in the mood. dry or 3. maybe it's residual from my tear and I need to see a pelvic floor physical therapost. but I just want a sex drive. help please!