After baby body (self love)


Before I got pregnant with my son, I was a very thin 100lbs and a size 1. I never had stretch marks. I never went over 110lbs. I had an hour glass figure. I was confident. lost all that when I got pregnant. I gained 50lbs through out the pregnancy. Here I am 10 months after he was born and I’m 127lbs, a size 5 and covered in stretch marks and loose skin. I don’t hate it anymore. You know, our bodies change with baby, and that’s okay. As a matter of fact, it’s beautiful. Women sacrifice a lot when they have a baby. Their pre pregnancy looks, sleep, confidence in a lot of cases, and we forget our self worth.. our bodies gave us those beautiful little ones, who give us those sweet little cuddles. The laughs. The tough times. It’s all worth it. I love that my body isn’t perfect, because it shows what my body has done for this precious little guy that I have napping on me. I wouldn’t change having him. And I accept that I will never be tiny again. I will never not have stretch marks. But if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have my son. I wouldn’t trade him for anything. Ever. This may be a cheesy/dumb post. Also probably badly worded😂😂 my point is that every woman should love her body. There’s no shame in having stretch marks. There’s no shame in having a little extra weight. Our bodies make babies! And if any guy tries making you feel any less than a queen, that’s his bad. Chances are he doesn’t look like a Calvin Klein model and probably has some flaws of his own. And they don’t make babies🤷‍♀️. All you mommas are perfect. Love your self.