So tired Im crying in my car


Currently sitting in a parking lot with tears in my eyes. Recently had my baby Jan 21,2018 and with a 1 year old on my other side. Haven’t slept in 3 months. 2 from last months of pregnancy and 1 after birth. I feel overwhelmed at times with babies. They’re good kids not cry babies but a handful. My toddler wants to do things- I get it; it’s normal. Baby wants some attention after sleeping or gets hungry. I change about who knows how many diapers between them. Probably becoming a master at how fast I change diapers because it happens at the same time. No sleep at night and baby sleeps all day starting at 7 am but toddler wakes up at that time. Change diapers again feed both, take one down stairs to feed the other. If I don’t fold clothes or wash it will sit for a whole year. Feeling overwhelmed and needing a break. I literally run on coffee. Love my kids to death but For one thing men don’t understand what stress is. Ohhh you want me to give you 5 min to eat before caring for the kids when the last meal I had was 3 days ago? I don’t think so.