anyone else get sick like symptoms when they first conceive ?


So I got alot of symptoms going on now but about the sick thing, Ive woken up a few days with a runnyish nose, changed throughout the day to stuffy and runny but not really runny just slightly, but today was far more noticable because its actually effecting my breathing and talking now cause im congested and throat is slightly sore now too so sometimes it'll catch me with the wrong word and make me choke a lil. though I felt great most of the day it just really hit me now with the slight soreness . I've sneezed a few times today and a few in the last couple of days too and I rarely ever sneeze . I'm testing again tomorrow morning I tested a day ago and it was a questionable test. for someone who is ttc anyway . it was a neg for anyone who just simply looked at it but up close and in the light I swear I saw something.