Unsure in myself


Had sex just over a month ago, a few days later got a little light bleeding which was way too early for my period by like two weeks and didn’t last a sling, generally very different than my period. I joked about it being implantation bleeding but now a month down the line I’m three days late for a period and trying to not overreact. Tomorrow we’re going to go buy a test just to be sure but I’m equally scared and excited. I’m married and wanted a baby for so long, I’ve been holding off for years on various reasons, waiting for the right situation, the right job, to move out. I don’t know what I’m nervous for but I am and I find myself not knowing what I’m hoping for. I’m almost hoping for a positive so I can call it a day and stop stopping myself from something that I want so bad. At the same time I want it to be negative because I’ve had this vision of what I wanted my life to look like in this moment that might be in front of me and this is nothing like it. I wanted to be moved out, to have lost the extra weight I’m carrying, be healthy and organised and have a nursery set up before even knowing if I was pregnant. But that’s not what I have. I’m suddenly realising how stressed I am over this and I didn’t even know. Regardless of my result I’m not sure how to proceed from here. I hope I can figure it out.