OPK Questions


This is my first month using OPK and I promised my hubby who doesn’t want me to become obsessed that I would use it this month only to see what day I actually ovulate vs what the app says. (Please note he is not controlling, he just knows me too well and knows that I would potentially obsess and stress which doesn’t help when you are trying to conceive.)

So my questions. I’m currently CD 7, my periods the last 6 months have ranged from 26 to 30 days so I’m not sure when to start testing. I used to be 30 to 31 days on the dot. I only have 7 tests. So I don’t necessarily want to start testing too early. I planned on watching my CM and testing when I see it start to get EW or Watery.

Does anyone have suggestions?? Or what worked for them?