Checking CM


Good morning lovely ladies!

I wanted to write a post about how to check your cervix and cervical mucus for ovulation, changes, and pregnancy! I have done extensive research on this as I’ve read that ovulation tests can be inaccurate.

SO here’s what I’ve read and noticed while checking my own.

For checking your cervix:

If your cervix is high (full finger fits in the vagina before touching the cervix), soft (think softness of touching your bottom lip), and open (feels like there’s a hole or large indent in the middle) then you are most likely fertile and ovulating. If this is paired with cervical mucus that is slippery and stretchy like raw eggwhites then you are most definitely fertile.

If your cervix is low (half of your middle finger fits up your vagina before touching your cervix), closed (small dimple in the middle) and hard (think top of your nose) then you are no longer fertile and either this is directly before your period or directly after. This can be paired with almost no CM, very light but sticky CM, or milky thick CM.

If your cervix is high but not as high as it would be for ovulation (almost your full finger), soft (think touching your bottom lip) and closed (feels like a small dimple in the middle) then there is a chance you are pregnant. This can be paired with creamy, thick yellow/white CM or a ton of slippery white or clear CM.

You can only accurately tell if there is a change in your CM and cervix if you check this daily and at the same time everyday. I check mine before bed everyday and sometimes throughout the day. Make sure to always wash your hands before putting your fingers up your vagina as you don’t want to cause infection. :)

I hope this helps! Good luck to all of you and lots of baby dust!