Honestly give up now 😴

According to this app, I am now a week late. I took a pregnancy test 2 days ago, and I could’ve sworn I saw the faintest line, but everyone was telling me they couldn’t see it. Photos down below...

Anyway, I looked back at it again yesterday morning as soon as I woke up because I completely forgot about it🤦🏻‍♀️ and this appeared, could it be an evap or a simple positive?

I went to the doctors about an hour after I had checked and asked for a pregnancy test to be redone, and she asked me to do a pee one, so I did... but she didn’t wait the whole five minutes and she put it in the bin after 1 minute 🤷🏻‍♀️

So what I’m asking, is for some help, just to put my mind at ease about this all 😴

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