
Hi guys I’m new here 😊 I’ve been TTC for 2months I started back in January but I calculated my days wrong so I decided to try again in February I started using the clear blue advanced ovulation test kit my cycle started on feb 14th (what a great time to start your cycle right?😂) but I️t ended on the 17th my cycles usually only last about 4days...after my cycle ended I started testing but up until the 21st I got nothing but low peak I tested again on the 22nd and got my peak which was the solid face I totally skipped the flashing face 🤔 here’s where I got confused two of my apps said that I’d be ovulating on the 18th-26th one of my apps said that the 23rd was the highest day of ovulation and the other app said that the 24th was the highest 🤷🏽‍♀️ me and my partner BD on the 22nd we used pre-seed to sort of maybe increase out chances what are my chances of getting pregnant? I’ve been driving myself crazy about taking a pregnancy test although I know it’s too soon...