Lichen Sclerosis, VIN


Does anyone have either? What is your experience with it/getting diagnosed?

I've been having issues for a year and a half, but had trouble getting the docs to listen. They hear "itching" and immediately jump to yeast infection and leave it at that. I finally got another appointment this week (a year after they tried to treat me for a YI and it did nothing) and they actually kind of listened. Although she still jumped the gun and prescribed me the Diflucan again, she also gave me the cream for my skin that I believe is used to treat lichen. Well, my vag culture results came back and it's definitely not a yeast infection (like I've been trying to tell them), no BV or trich either. So her next guess is Lichen. She doesn't seem to be too interested in a biopsy for it or VIN, though so I guess I won't know for sure. I just have to use the cream and see if it helps.

But I've been concerned about my hormone levels ever since this started and I only just now talked them into testing my levels. If they're insanely off like I believe, then it could be an explanation for lichen since it seems to occur mainly in menopausal women (which is what I feel like most of the time tbh). There's apparently nothing they can or will do about hormones though.

I guess I just want to see what everyone else has gone through/see what I'm in for. I'm only in my 20s so, from what ive been reading, it seems i have a long road ahead of me.