What to use to get pregnant quicker?

Janelys • Puerto Rican🇵🇷 22years Old 💁🏽 Married💍 Mommy To Three Angels👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽💕 TTC My 🌈 Baby❤️

Hello, so on feb.18th that I had taken a pregnancy test around 12:50am and it had came back positive and than took another one a little after and it came back negative. I was confused and still am. I went to my primary doctor monday since I had an appointment for a physical and i told my doctor about it and they did another urine test and it came back negative still. I was already 11 days late when I took the test & I started spotting on the 23rd and just finished on the 28th with the spotting I let my doctor know about it and she told me that since I was spotting I should probably consider it as my period if my tests keep coming back negative. But I’m not sure if it was my period or what cause my period is never this light and I didn’t have cramps all month when I usually get cramps atleast 1week and a half before. Not even after my miscarriage back in Oct.2017 my period was this light it quickly got back to normal as starting light and ending heavy but it’s never been this light that I could literally use liners instead of pads. I’ve been thinking of calling my ob/gyn but I don’t know what to do. And I was wondering what would you guys recomend using to try to get pregnant if I am not pregnant at the moment? I tried preseed but it really didn’t do anything but I wouldn’t mind trying again with it. But it’s there something other than preseed I can use? I have an appointment with my ob/gyn tomorrow to take this confusion away and wanted to ask him what he would recomend but I also want to know what worked for you guys and what did not!