

Does anyone else feel lonely after having their baby? Don't get me wrong..I love being at home with my baby and I do not miss work but I am definitely missing adult interaction. My days feel like I do the same thing over and over. I haven't been able to drive since I had a c section and even if I could not sure where I'd go because I don't wanna take her out anywhere. I feel kind of hurt too that like none of my coworkers have texted me or visited. I understand not visiting yet but I would have at least thought they would text and ask how things were. After I had my baby we had visitors for over a week and I know a lot of ppl don't want visitors but I was the opposite. I enjoyed having ppl come and see her and have ppl to talk to. Once that stopped I just got all emotional and cried. I still enjoy company a lot. Even when my husband gets home we don't have much time to talk because I let him have time with her since he is at work all day. Sorry for the long post ..just seeing if anyone else is having these feelings.