Did we wait too long?


Just turned 31 and we’re finally TTC. I’m worried we waited too long.

I never had those OMG moments in my life women always seemed to talk about. OMG I might be pregnant, or OMG I’m late! I was always clockwork until I had an IUD put in when I was 22.

Fast forward 8 years, 2 IUDs, a marriage to a wonderful man who I love with all my heart, 2 fur babies, a new house and we finally feel we are “ready” to start a family.

I am just always wondering, did I wait too long? You spend so much time in your youth trying and praying NOT to get pregnant and now what if I can’t...?

I know we’ve barely started trying yet, and it may be nothing and I’m getting all neurotic about maybies. But now these thought keep me up at night.

I am thankful for this site - some things boys just don’t understand!!