You know what fucks me up?

I thought i was crazy and was just imaging the bad way my fiancé treats me, I thought it was all in my head. until he went to the bathroom an hour ago and his friend told me that he hates the way my fiancé treats me. I don't know if I should feel relieved that someone else sees it or if I should be sad because it means my fiancé isn't the my knight in shinning amour like I always though he was. I don't want to leave, I know he can change and be how he was in the beginning. it just hurts.

update: He's not physical, he did push me once in front of his friend because I woke up and started vomiting on the floor and his friend seen that, I didn't mean to vomit but I understand why he pushed me. I don't really care about that. About after an hour his friend told me that they got into a fight. it started out as who can beat up who (boys 😷) then my fiancé's friend said "I wager her, if I win I get her" (me:😮😮😮🤤🤤🤤) and holy fuck that started World war 3. My fiancé flipped shit, and said "If we're fighting for her I'll fight until I die" which is a tad bit dramatic but I was surprised because I didn't think he really cared until then, then his friend screamed at him saying "you need to change and respect her" (me:true true) i planted myself on my fiancé's lap to make sure they wouldn't hit eachother they continued to yell at each other for 30 minutes, then they played video games. I really hope he takes what his friend said to heart and start respecting me.