Most embarrassing story...

Well, my step mom finally did it tonight. I thought I had gotten away with my husband never knowing, but my step mom told him my most embarrassing story tonight and he finds it hilarious.

I was probably 13-15, in that range and my step mom, me, my brother, my dad, and baby sister were going on a camping trip. We had a camping trailer hooked up to the back of the truck and were having a great time driving up there. All of a sudden I really needed to use the restroom.... like liquid explosive shits, I will cry and die all in 1 moment if I don't get a bathroom NOW kind of need to go. My dad refused to pull over and let me use the bathroom in the trailer or even squat on the side of the road. He just kept going and when I was finally in tears screaming at him, he pulled over to let me go. Well, I go to get up out of the truck and it's too late. I filled my pants! I go into the bathroom in the trailer and clean myself up and the bathroom the best I could. I was so embarrassed I changed my clothes and sneakily threw my shit cover pants and undies uner the trailer to be left in the wilderness. Well, I guess I didn't get all the shit off the toilet seat and when my dad went to use the bathroom got all pissed and yelled at me and called me disgusting and all kind of other stuff for it. When it was his fault it happened in the first place.

I don't find this story funny, but my husband does and no matter how much I ask him to stop laughing at me and tell him that it hurts my feelings he says that he's sorry, but just can't stop laughing about it.