Fertility help..

Leash • Mum to 2 angel babies & 3 little girls • 30th November 2017👼🏻 • Isabelle-Rose 30th October 2018 👧🏼💗 • 13th May 2019 👼🏻 • Ivy-May 4th February 2020 👶🏻💞• Isla-Grace 27th February 2021 👶🏻💖

Ladies ladies ladies!! If you are only baby dancing in your fertile window and counting on Glow to tell you when to, then your doing it wrong!! I only baby danced in my ‘Fertile Window’ for 2 years and nothing was happening!! I researched loads of things to figure my own body out so I could tell when I was fertile.. I then realise I ovulate BEFORE my fertile window! And I get pregnant when I baby dance with EWCM.. both time I’ve got pregnant when I have had sex ONCE! When I notice I have EWCM, which is always on cycle day 10 or 11.. 2 days before my fertile window even starts!.. I’ve got pregnant twice doing this now.. just a little help for you ladies who are counting on glow to help you get pregnant.. get some opk test and as soon as you see EWCM.. go for it!!