mom thinks my boyfriend is being selfish

Hi all, so about a month and a half ago my boyfriend moved down to South Carolina with me because my family is starting a business. We live above the business and are the ones running everything. My boyfriend is telling me he’s homesick and I feel for him. Before I met him, I moved across the country to where he lives and I went through my homesick phase as well so I understand what he’s going through. I told him if he needs to drive up and visit home, go for it. My mom gave me some different insight and I’m not sure if I agree. She says that he’s being selfish by leaving me behind to run everything when he committed to the responsibility of this business with me. His family is supposed to be visiting in April. He misses his friends and she thinks it’s not fair he’s running off because he’s homesick during this important time for the new business. I’m so torn, I never looked at it like that. I know his intentions aren’t malicious, I’m just having a hard time figuring out this situation. Thoughts or advice is more than welcome ❤️