Seeking advice.

I’ve been in an emotionally abusive relationship for the past five months. When I first met him, he was very caring. After a while I realized his true intentions. Three days ago, my friend found him active on a dating/meetup app he was using, and I completely lost all feelings for him.

I lost my virginity to him, and during the second time, he took the condom off and pulled out without telling me. I immediately took Plan B and after his apologies I decided to forgive him. Fast forward, my period was one week late after taking Plan B, but it came. My period is six days long, and on the second day, he wanted period sex. I told him to use a condom, but he pleaded and pressured me by telling me it’s completely safe, since I didn’t have an egg anymore. I told him I’m not sure if the Plan B would still be affecting me now, but he didn’t listen. He took the condom off in the middle and pulled out again.

My period just ended, and after discovering that he was using a dating app, I’m feeling a bit confused. He’s definitely showing less interest in me. I’m not sure if I should confront him about the app and break up with him today, or if I should wait for my next period to come to be ensured that my body is okay, and that the sex was “safe” as he called it.

I’m turning 19 in one month. I’m not asking to be judged, only seeking advice. He told me he pulled out with all of his ex girlfriends and nothing happened, and he can control himself. I don’t want to stay with him a day longer, but I want to make sure my body is okay. Should I leave him now, or should I wait for my next period? What’s the risk of ovulating during a period? Thanks for any advice.