BFP and signs/symptoms 💕


Today we got our BFP! This was also the first month we used OPK (clearview advanced) and BD every other day. I also stopped checking my CM because to be honest I had no idea what the heck I was looking for. Since I spent hours looking for what others early signs were,

I wanted to post mine in hopes to help some of you (and I know everyone is different).

On Monday (8 dpo) I was exhausted. I never nap and at 4 pm was in bed napping.

9 dpo & 10 dpo I started getting cramps on my left side..almost a pinching feeling that came and went. Unlike period symptoms where my cramps were all over and made me want to lay on the couch with a heating pad. I had a little back ache, but nothing crazy. I also did not have any bloating, which happens a lot the week leading up to AF.

11 dpo I felt normal. I had no breast or nipple soreness, cramps subsided and I felt energized.

Today (12 dpo) I woke up nauseous and with a slight headache. My taste seemed when you get a cold. I decided to take a test and within seconds I had 2 lines!

Oh an also...I had NO implantation bleeding! I checked obsessively this whole week lol!

Hopefully this helps! Baby dust to you all!