Decreased fetal movement -updated


Hi everyone:

I’m 27 weeks and usually baby moves every time I eat something or drink something cold. Also moves when I lay down to sleep. Yesterday all day I couldn’t feel baby as much. I would say maybe 3 kicks all day long while normally I get 3 kicks or more at breakfast. I knew she was alive but started to get concerned in the afternoon. My husband said I was probably worrying too much so I tried to not think about it. Last night I slept better than usual. Baby usually kicks when I’m on a side for too long so I tend to switch often but last night I didn’t feel it. This morning nothing. I had juice and took my oldest to school. Went to get milk and nothing. I had breakfast including coffee since that usually makes baby hyper but after 2 hours still nothing. My husband touched my belly and talked to it but then he said to call the doctor since I was too scared. I was calling when my phone turned off so I told myself all was fine and left it charging. 2hrs later, finally I feel normal movement, I can see it too. 30min later, I ate a cookie and she instantly moved. I haven’t had any bleeding or pain. I just know decreased movement or a change in pattern could be dangerous. I never had this happen with my oldest so I am really concerned. Should I still call the doctor or is this considered normal?

Thanks for the help ladies!!

This was me about an hour ago, I kept trying to stay positive but couldn’t hold the tears. When she finally moved I couldn’t help but think I was imagining it bit so glad my husband saw it too. We have had bad news every single appointment that I’m a mess and can’t help but think we might lose our rainbow baby.


Was monitored for 25min. Got food to stimulate movement. We got HR from 52-145. Only two drops. We heard movement although I didn’t feel it. I felt 6/10 movements which was more than I had felt in more than 24hrs. Blood pressure and pulse were good. We are measuring fluid on Thursday to make sure that is also ok. I was told to check back if baby continues irregular movement or doesn’t move in 24hrs again. I can call whenever and they’ll just monitor me for piece of mind. For now, I feel so much better! I had quite the scare. The doctor said it sometimes happens but its better to check just to be sure the baby is getting enough oxygen. So now to wait till Thursday basically unless she stops moving again. To any of you mommies scared like me, call your MD/midwife❤️ So glad I did!

Update 2: 3/3

Movement has returned to normal after 48hrs of decreased movement. I still have the US appointment but feeling relieved.