Embryo Transfer Tomorrow


After 3 weeks of BC and 11 days of stims, we were feeling positive with 13 follicles, 10 of which were predicted to be mature by egg retrieval. Fast forward to egg retrieval and only 6 eggs were obtained, 4 mature and only 3 fertilized successfully with ICSI. We have “unexplained infertility” so a little surprised by the lackluster cycle. Our clinic does ET on day 2 (egg retrieval yesterday), trying to stay calm, but feeling disappointed and to top it off today we have had 2 family pregnancy announcements (wtf, today?! Of all days?!). Any suggestions for last minute stress relief before tomorrow? I feel my stress levels shooting through the roof, which is making me even more stressed that my stress will cause a failed cycle.

Update: Negative Hpt today, beta tomorrow, but not looking good. For those of you that have completed multiple cycles, how long did you wait in between? Did anyone get a second opinion or drastically change their approach?