My husbands sons mother has dissappeared


ok so my stepsons mother left last Tuesday and never showed back up to his Nana's to get him he was at our house the week she left. His mom's sister just told us that she took his brother and she is a drug user but anyways we had no idea this was happening so she told us to come get him and he has no idea where his mom is she said she was picking him up Wednesday and never showed. They are homeless so we have no idea where she could be she left with a man. what do we do Monday? I'm confused on if we should go file for emergency custody or abandonment? We are in Georgia. it is the saddest thing I have ever seen he was so upset when he got here saying he has no idea where his mom is. I don't know what we should do?? if she shows up because she finds out he is here do we just hand him over....even though she is homeless and has disappeared for almost 2 weeks