Break or not to break

What breaks? An older person falling they break there hip. What doesn't  break? A 32 year old woman falling down a flight of stairs luckily doesn't.  What about a plate? If someone is using it and it slips from there hand and falls to the floor it breaks. But if it's a paper plate it doesn't it just gets beaten up. So sometimes things break and sometimes they get beaten. A boxer will get beaten by his opponent. A football team will get beaten by the other team. Life is full of breaks and beaten situations. A child might fall off a playground monkey bars getting a broken arm. A child might get beaten if he did not do what he was told to do. A business woman may get broken that she didn't get the deal or contract she wanted. Instead she might get beaten by another business woman higher up than herself. A man might try to fix a broken leak in the house. The same man will get beaten in a card game with his friends. A woman might break a nail trying to open something. She may also get beaten at the store when another woman takes the last shoe in her size of these shoes she's just has to have. A wife would be broken if she found out her husband was having an affair with her best friend. She may also be physically  beaten by the husband to never tell anyone and force her to never divorce him. A husband may break a rule and let the kids stay up past there bed time.  The same husband will be physically beaten to protect his kids from getting hurting from a bad person. A boyfriend may break a promise to his girlfriend and forget about date night. He may also get beaten by his friend in a game of Call of Duty. A girlfriend may breakup with someone she thought she loved. That same girlfriend may also get beaten emotionally and mentally when she feels her relationship is ending. Each person I listed weather male or female. Old or young. Go through some kind of break weather its physical mental emotional spiritual even sexual. They even go through beatings too. Just like the ocean it beats at the shoreline. A bird breaks it's wing. Death beats that person u wish to live longer. What breaks u or beats u may not for me. Each person has there own different break or beat. Each day we wake we have to make a choice do we let things break ? do we let things beat us?? I have something that has been breaking and beating me down for a long breaks me by making it hard to deal with things in has beaten me into places or thoughts I don't wish to have. Currently I have it creeping into my relationship cuz it is apart of me. Within the relationship I have put myself out there in many ways for the relationship fighting for one person. I get broken when I don't get to see him...I will get beaten before I let another girl take him away from me. That's what you do to fight for someone u want in ur life that u care and enjoy being with. Can you also get beaten by the person ur in a relationship with. YES! physically mentally emotionally sexually even spiritually. Beaten by things in a relationship that you would give anything for it to work out for the best for both people. U give alot put effort in, commit, are there for them and helpful and try ur hardest to communicate to them weather struggles, fears, excitement, sadness.................but in return u may or may not b given a heart that breaks even more. U break and break and break. Ur struggles break u more...ur frustrations beat u down more...ur sadness makes it harder and harder to push through. Ur desires of being that good person break u in half with one side saying of course u have to b nice to them there the one you love there the one you have committed to stay with. The other side is screaming out words you don't want to hear...screw them find someone else don't do it just leave give up. U reach out to others cuz that's what we tend to do to family friends co workers bosses to find help answers suggestions. U hear things that break u down but in ways u know are true and there not meaning to there just being honest. Ur thoughts from what they say beat down all the good things u want to do for them and make u just not want to. Why??? Cuz you have worked your ASS OFF (sorry ) for how ever long you have been in the relationship days weeks months years. It was for nothing but this in the end??? Doing all that you thought was good and needed for them and for u. So r u  at the point do I break and let go of something I enjoyed most of the time aside from all the sad or frustrating struggles I went through. Or do I stay and continue to work at it get beaten down when my needs are not met or desires are ignored. lol what is a girl to do ?? like Britney Spears says in her song "Boys" "can't live with them can't live without them"