so tired of missing refund

So I have my taxes set so I pay a bunch throughout the year because I want a big fat check come refund time. Last year I made $700 for my refund but since I got married in November we filed jointly. My wonderful husband didn't pay enough during the year so we had to use my entire refund plus $400 to pay what he owed 🙄. So I was frustrated but understanding because it was our first time filing together. I told him to talk to his boss to make sure he pays enough this year because I don't want to owe next time. I just started doing our taxes tonight and I put in all my information and it totaled $1,500..!! I was so excited!! and then I entered his information and guess what ladies?? that big fat green number I had worked hard for turned grey and negative. we lost my whole return and owed $600 this year. I'm so annoyed.