getting a divorce with a 2 month old son

my husband and I had terrible marital problems over a year ago. they started in June and carried on until November. he was neglecting me, would come home late or not at all without calling. he'd make plans with me and then break them to be at his parents farm. I only got to "see" him on weekends because he would be 4 hours away durring the week monday-thurdsay. I had told him I was unhappy and we went to couceling (his idea) we started in September and went until December. We didn't find that they had helped but we were content with eachother. I was still leary and I prayed for guildnes the next day I found out I was pregnant. durring the pregnancy we were so busy. bought a house, planning for baby, my husband started a new full time job closer to home but during the pregnancy he says to me that we should have a threesom or sleep with other people. I was hurt. we've only been with eachother so I shrugged it off as curiosity. He said at least 2 more times while I was pregnant after the first time, and once in the last two months. He's told me he didn't like the way I looked pregnant and I was tiny! he tells me now if I looked like the fitness models on Instagram he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off me. I weight 125 lb and am 5'3 and had a baby 2 moths and 2 weeks ago. I told him I was unhappy in our relation ship he told me he'd rather have me dead and gone than just gone and happy. it's been a 3 days since he's told me he loved me. a whole week without touching me. I want a divorce is that wrong of me? I'm devote catholic and don't believe in divorce but would god want me to take the emotional abuse he's been putting me through?