What do I do ??


Me and this guy have the most crazy chemistry. We both crave each other have the most awesome conversations, go on the best dates it’s like he’s the perfect boyfriend not to mention lover.

I’m just getting out of a two year relationship and so is he. However his ex still lives there. I told him I won’t take it seriously until she’s gone. The only downfall is that he shares a bed with her. He lives with his mother due to helping raise his younger brother. His mother hates his EX’s I have been told that everything was over since October, his mother confirm that in a private conversation. However I believe they may have sexual acquaintances from time to time( my man and his ex) what else am I supposed to believe considering they share a bed.

For me pushing to have a relationship he made a deal that she had to be out by summertime until he recently found out she was talking to another guy so he told her she had to be out by the end of April. My thoughts are why does he care so much about her with another man? He told me it was because it’s disrespectful considering how much he’s helped her out when she’s going to school and paying no rent. I completely understand where he’s coming from but I can’t help but wonder why he care so much to change his mind on something he was so stubborn with me about.

I know right here now I’m falling in love with this guy we go on so many dates and have the same hobbies we both work on cars and go hiking. When we kiss it’s like sparks are flying and I think I’m hopelessly addicted to him. For him it may just be lust but he showed me so much admiration. I’m just worried if I should even consider talking to him more or pull back I’m just really catching an immense amount of feelings for this guy.